Wired for Survival: How Trauma Shapes the Brain

According to the American Psychological Association, trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event: experiencing or witnessing violence, neglect or abuse, just to name a few. Trauma comes in varied sizes and shapes and affects just about everyone. But what happens when our children experience traumas? We discuss childhood trauma and trauma-informed care with […]
Play Today, Lead Tomorrow: A Conversation with Women’s Sports Foundation

Each year, the Women’s Sports Foundation (WSF) marks the first Wednesday in February as National Girls and Women in Sports Day®. For nearly 40 years, this day has raised awareness about the physical, educational, and psychological benefits of sports for women and girls throughout their lives. WSF was founded in 1974 by tennis champion and […]
The Evolving Role of Nurse Practitioners with Dr. Stephen Ferrara

The role of the nurse practitioner (NP) in the health care landscape was developed in the mid-1960s to fill a need for additional primary care pediatrics services for the Baby Boom generation. Today, there are more than 385,000 licensed NPs across the U.S., and their number is expected to grow by 45% between now and […]
Driving Change for Children: Insights from AAP’s Mark Del Monte

With more than 67,000 pediatrician members, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is one of the leading organizations in children’s health with a finger on the pulse of all aspects of pediatrics including policy, advocacy, professional training and public education. Mark Del Monte, JD, CEO and Executive Vice President of AAP, joined us to discuss […]
Dark Design Defined

Have you ever considered what’s happening behind the scenes in your child’s apps, video games, websites and social media platforms? Enter “dark design” – a manipulative feature built into some digital programs that can influence children’s online choices and impact their mental health. Listen in as we talk with experts and researchers from West Virginia […]
Children’s Health Equity: A Fireside Chat with Dave Chokshi and Kara Odom Walker

“If you care about health, you must care about health equity.” This sentiment was shared by Dave Chokshi, MD, former New York City health commissioner, during a day-long child health equity symposium in Orlando, Florida. The event was sponsored by the Ginsburg Institute for Health Equity at Nemours Children’s Health. Today’s episode features insights from […]
In Service of Public Health: Insights From Admiral Rachel Levine

Admiral Rachel L. Levine, MD, is a pediatrician and adolescent medicine specialist whose clinical work focuses on the intersection of mental and physical health. She brings a strong commitment to equity and inclusion to her role as the 17th Assistant Secretary for Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. We had the […]
More Than Words: Understanding & Stopping Bullying

Episode Description: Bullying is more than “I know it when I see it” behavior. According to stopbullying.gov, bullying is distinguished by certain specific elements: it is repetitive, aggressive, threatening behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. From name-calling and teasing to hitting and spitting and beyond, the negative effects of bullying on our youth are […]
Kids & Guns: A Conversation on Firearm Safety

In September 2024, the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions released its annual report analyzing 2022 Centers for Disease Control (CDC) data on firearm deaths in the U.S. The report highlights a 106% increase in firearm deaths among children ages 1 to 17 since 2013. Since 2020, firearms have been the leading cause of […]
Ballots As Wellness: Talking Civic Health with Aliya Bhatia of Vot-ER

Episode Description: The American Medical Association, the American College of Physicians, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services all recognize voting as a social determinant of health. In a year when more than 60 nations have or will hold elections (including the United States), the Well Beyond Medicine podcast examines the concepts of civic […]