Hidden Helpers, Hidden No More with Dr. Larry Moss and Steve Schwab

When it comes to supporting our nation’s military caregivers – the family members and friends caring for a wounded, ill, or injured veteran each day in their homes – the Elizabeth Dole Foundation is a true leader. The foundation aims to raise awareness, conduct research, and support military family caregivers. Among that group, you will […]
The Nemours Estate

All across Nemours Children’s Health, from Wilmington to Pensacola to Orlando to Jacksonville, and points in between – the ethos of Well Beyond Medicine is becoming well established. That includes the Nemours Estate in Wilmington, the only public park in the nation with a hospital on its grounds. Guests Gina Altieri, Jean Hershner, Ken Darsney, […]
Unlocking the Power of Gratitude

“Even in the worst conditions you can be grateful in something and not have to be grateful for it,” according to Lee Brower, entrepreneur coach and founder of Empowered Wealth. He joins this week’s episode as we explore the power of gratitude. We’re also joined by Nemours Children’s Health’s Dr. Alfred Atanda who shares the […]
Babies in Crisis: Understanding Neonatal Abstinence (Part 4)

In the final episode of our four-part series “Hot Topics in Neonatology” we explore neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), a byproduct of prenatal drug exposure — one of the fastest growing public health problems in the world. In the U.S., the most recent data from the CDC indicate that the number of pregnant people with opioid-related diagnoses documented […]
The NICU View: Mom & Baby (Part 1)

We begin our four-part series “Hot Topics in Neonatology” with the story of author and preemie family advocate Deb Discenza. Deb was 30 weeks pregnant when she gave birth to her daughter, Becky. In this episode, she shares their NICU story of persistence and resilience, and how she is paying it forward by helping and […]
Calling Cooks and Caretakers

SEGMENT 1: Culinary medicine is an evidence-based medical practice that affirms the saying “You are what you eat.” One part food, one part cooking, and one part medical science, culinary medicine aims to help folks make the right decisions about food to help prevent and treat disease. Pediatric gastroenterologist Dr. Maria Mascarenhas with the Children’s […]
Marathon Endurance

SEGMENT 1: We explore the world of pediatric anesthesiology and the pressures and stresses of being an anesthesiologist with Dr. Destiny Chau, Dr. Meera Gangadharan and Dr. Meenakshi Atteri. SEGMENT 2: It’s a trip to Philadelphia Marathon Weekend to learn more about the mentorship work of Students Run Philly Style with its Executive Director Lauren Kobylarz. Guests: […]
Three Questions, Six Leaders

The recent “Well Beyond Medicine Day” in Orlando, Florida saw the Nemours Children’s Podcast truck on site and ready with microphones open to hear from Nemours associates at all levels, including six members of the Nemours Children’s Health, Florida Leadership Team. Of them, we asked three specific questions, eliciting a variety of thought-provoking answers. Listen […]
Cultivating Health: The Can Grow Garden

As harvest season approaches, we’re checking in on the Can Grow Garden, part of the Nemours Estate in Wilmington, Delaware. This encore episode was originally recorded for the Champions for Children series. The Can Grow Garden is a collaboration between the Nemours Estate and Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware, to grow plants and provide a place for patient, […]
Reflecting Resilience

At Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida, associates (staff) and patients celebrated “Well Beyond Medicine Day” with some very honored guests. These VIPs stopped by the podcast to talk about osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), a genetic disease in which bones fracture (break) easily, often with no obvious cause or minimal injury. Detroit resident Stephen Sheehy is a remarkable […]