Cultural Understanding Emanating Outward

On this week’s episode, we examine an angle on the concept of well beyond medicine: cultural understanding. In this case, how it begins within the walls of Nemours Children’s Health from our associates and emanates out to others — patients, families, and, ultimately, into the community through our Associate Resource Groups (ARGS). Representatives from two […]

Welcome to Well Beyond Medicine: Our New Podcast

The Champions for Children podcast is now the Well Beyond Medicine podcast. Learn the whys, hows, and wherefores in this episode, featuring Nemours Children’s associates Drew Landmeier, Senior Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer; Che Parker, Communications Program Manager; and Cheryl Munn, Enterprise Communications Director. Explore to access current episodes of Well Beyond Medicine and previous episodes of Champions for Children, subscribe […]

Navigating the Health Care System

Teenagers across the nation are learning to navigate the often complex health care system thanks to a Nemours Children’s-developed, no-cost, evidence-based health education curriculum called “Navigating the Health Care System.” Today, we are joined by the Nemours associates who created and have made available this curriculum along with teachers from Delaware, Illinois, and Alabama to […]

Defining Value in Pediatric Health Care

Karen Wilding, Nemours Children’s Chief Value Officer, explains her role in the enterprise. She’ll also share her experience on 9/11, when she was a student in Washington, DC, where she watched the tragedy unfold. It was an event that shaped her life and put her on the path to becoming a Nemours associate.  Carol Vassar, […]

Project HOPE

Project HOPE stands for Harnessing Opportunity for Positive, Equitable Early Childhood Development. Nemours Children’s Health is part of a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-funded consortium promoting both equity and child well-being on a national level. How? By building the capacity of local communities, state leaders, cross-sector state teams, and local coalitions to prevent social adversities in […]

What is Well Beyond Medicine?

Nemours Children’s Health Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs & Enterprise Chief Communications Officer Gina Altieri shares her insights regarding the philosophy behind the enterprise tagline, Well Beyond Medicine, and how these three words represent Nemours Children’s vision and strategy ingeniously.  Carol Vassar, producer Guest: Gina Altieri, Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs & Enterprise Chief Communications Officer, […]

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