Moving at the Speed of Healthcare Innovation

Healthcare has always been a hotbed of innovation, though it seems today to be moving forward at light speed, with a wide range of advancements to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, safety, accessibility, and quality of healthcare services at the bedside and behind the scenes. We’re talking healthcare innovation today with two national experts whom we […]
AI in Health Care: The Future (Part 3 of 3)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will NOT replace the work of a skilled, trained, experienced human clinician. Yet AI, in all its formulations and manifestations, has the potential to bring revolutionary change and improved outcomes on a global scale. So, what’s next for AI in pediatric cardiology? Our AI experts weigh in. This episode was taped live […]
AI in Health Care: The Perils (Part 2 of 3)

For all the hope that artificial intelligence (AI) brings to health care, there are perils: patient privacy concerns, public trust, legal and ethical considerations, the fear of biased algorithms, and how to handle the need for massive amounts of the right data to feed AI algorithms. We discuss all of that with experts from across the […]
AI in Health Care: The Promise (Part 1 of 3)

It seems we’ve been hearing a lot about artificial intelligence (AI) lately: It’s how Netflix knows what to recommend you watch next. From ChatGPT to Netflix, AI is everywhere — and it’s changing health care in all its aspects. The promise, the peril, and the prophecy of AI in health care are what we are […]
What is Precision Medicine?

Precision medicine, personalized medicine, genetic medicine – these are all terms bandied about in the press, but what exactly do they mean? Who better to ask than two Nemours Children’s Health geneticists with 73 years of combined experience in genetics: Dr. Pamela Arn, Division Chief for Genetics, Nemours Children’s Health, Jacksonville, and Dr. Vicky Funanage, […]