A Conversation with Dr. Ashwin Vasan
Ashwin Vasan, MD, PhD, is a primary care physician, epidemiologist, and public health expert dedicated to improving physical and mental health, social welfare, and public policy for marginalized communities. Early in his career, he worked with the nonprofit Partners in Health and the World Health Organization, focusing on combating the spread of HIV/AIDS in the […]
Beyond Clinical Walls With Dr. Bayo Curry-Winchell
Dr. Bayo Curry-Winchell is a primary care physician, a nationally recognized health equity and maternal health advocate, and the founder of Beyond Clinical Walls, a platform offering credible health information through engaging social media and podcast content. We had the chance to chat with her in Las Vegas at the recent HLTH conference, a global […]
Children’s Health Equity: A Fireside Chat with Dave Chokshi and Kara Odom Walker
“If you care about health, you must care about health equity.” This sentiment was shared by Dave Chokshi, MD, former New York City health commissioner, during a day-long child health equity symposium in Orlando, Florida. The event was sponsored by the Ginsburg Institute for Health Equity at Nemours Children’s Health. Today’s episode features insights from […]
In Service of Public Health: Insights From Admiral Rachel Levine
Admiral Rachel L. Levine, MD, is a pediatrician and adolescent medicine specialist whose clinical work focuses on the intersection of mental and physical health. She brings a strong commitment to equity and inclusion to her role as the 17th Assistant Secretary for Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. We had the […]
Ballots As Wellness: Talking Civic Health with Aliya Bhatia of Vot-ER
Episode Description: The American Medical Association, the American College of Physicians, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services all recognize voting as a social determinant of health. In a year when more than 60 nations have or will hold elections (including the United States), the Well Beyond Medicine podcast examines the concepts of civic […]
Breaking Barriers: The Power of Workforce Diversity in Health Care
Diversity in health care is more than just a buzzword — it is essential for delivering culturally competent care, addressing health disparities, and creating an inclusive environment for patients, families and providers. For the Latino/Hispanic community, which constitutes a significant and growing portion of the U.S. population, having health care providers who understand their cultural […]
The Imperative for Period Equity (Encore Presentation)
In this encore presentation of Well Beyond Medicine, we explore the timely topic of period equity with Nemours Children’s Health adolescent medicine specialist Robyn Miller, MD. Menstruation is something half of the world’s population experiences. Yet having the right resources — access to period products and health information about menses — can prove elusive for […]
The KIDS Health Act: Whole Child Health for the Nation (Pt. 2 of 2)
In part 2 of The KIDS Health Act series, U.S. Senators Tom Carper and Dan Sullivan discuss ways in which the bill aims to integrate mental and physical health services for children eligible for Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Senator Carper (D-DE) highlights his focus on early childhood development and access to healthcare […]
Pathways to Improve Social Determinants of Health
Social determinants of health (SDoH) are non-medical factors that affect health outcomes and quality of life. Much attention and work is focused on examining SDoH and creating pathways to improve them, with the ultimate goal of optimizing wellness for everyone. In this episode, we’ll take a look at two such pathways. SEGMENT 1: A paper […]
Leveraging Health Informatics to Serve the Underserved
Health informatics stands at the intersection of healthcare and information technology. It’s a science that uses healthcare data to uncover insights, advance innovation, inform research, and help clinicians make the best patient decisions and recommendations. Dr. Stacey Stokes is the Medical Director of Informatics with Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C. At the 2024 Pediatric […]